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Looking to Tie Analytics To Business Objectives?

Looking to Tie Analytics To Business Objectives?

Looking to Tie Analytics To Business Objectives? Understand Your Measures of Success…

We are doing things, but we don’t know if they are working. Or even which parts are working better than others.

We hear things like this from clients frequently, and we believe that this is in part where the consultancy part of Insurgency kicks in.. When we start working with anyone, the theme of “what is keeping you up at night” does come up. But if X is bothering you, then if we resolve X in theory an easy night’s sleep, right? At the end of the day, knowing what X means, and ideally applying a numeric to it, gives us the baseline to then know if what we are doing is making things better, not changing, or going the other way.

Funnel Identification

When we go into anything to tackle a problem, we try to go into the problem as though it’s a funnel. Where in the funnel is the problem occurring? Is it all users? All situations? Where are the users coming from in the funnel (what is the user mindset) that is lending to the situation happening positively or negatively?

These may seem like silly or obvious questions, but for us to narrow down are the tactics working or which parts are working better than others we need to ask several questions, related to strategy and execution.

One example that comes to mind immediately around lead engagement for one client. The client had two separate databases. The client believed that both databases were solid in the information that was help within. In one database, all of our clients’ users over a twenty-year run. Not all are active mind you, maybe 10% of the database. But the marketing team continues to market to the entire DB the same way. For them, success was sending the emails. But our clients “end clients” (those that are paying the bills) were not seeing the numbers. Is what the marketing teams doing working or are they just checking the box. How do these two separate elements of the business that the team is doing and know to measure and optimize to what their end clients are looking for (success wise).

Measures of Success

Without knowing what success looks like, how do we know what to measure for? And what kinds of ancillary data pieces can also be learned to help other elements (we call this added value).  Through our discovery process, Insurgency led the creation of the business case for the marriage of the two databases into one, and also to alter the reporting back to the paying clients to establish more trust.

Looking to Tie Analytics To Business Objectives?
Reuben Segelbaum

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We were going to put something in latin (lorem ipsum) to see if you could find us, but we opted to keep it simple to get in touch.
If you prefer to kick it old school give us a call at 416-602-2095.

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