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Great Minds Lead to Great Learnings

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." – Albert Einstein

Our services

If you only have a hammer, then you'll view every problem as a nail.

Insurgency prides itself on the ability to provide holistic marketing consulting and implementation services that extend beyond the traditional advertising agency model, to help you transform your business for the digital age. At the beginning of our relationship, we ask alot of questions. We work with you to get an understanding of your business; your challenges, pain points, desires and ambitions. From there we identify solutions to solve your unique, whether your needs are simple or complex. Our solutions may impact your web presence, sales model, afniy programs, e-commerce platforms and of course, advertising and content management plans.

They break down into four categories:



Brand, Channel Planning, Media Strategy, Technical Strategy, CRM Strategy, and Data Strategy

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Paid Media

Paid Social (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TicToc), Display Advertising, and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

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Creative Development

Digital Ads, Content Marketing/Editorial, Social Media, Design, Video, Motion Graphics, Brand Support (Collateral, Shopper Marketing)

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Web Development, eCommerce, Digital ProductDevelopment (Apps, Web Platforms, Compare or Recommendation Tools), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems, Content Management Solutions (CMS) Systems, User Experience (UX), Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


Since Insurgency was created in 2020, we have been fortunate that our clients have trusted our team(s) to solve some gnarly business problems. Below are some of the brands we have worked with since our inception.

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Contact us

We were going to put something in latin (lorem ipsum) to see if you could find us, but we opted to keep it simple to get in touch.
If you prefer to kick it old school give us a call at 416-602-2095.

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